Sunday, June 3, 2007

Shattered Stars Intro

A long time ago in a galaxy pretty far away, there was an evil galactic empire. It was not only an evil empire, it covered most of it's galaxy, and so it was galactic too. Therefore, it was an evil galactic empire. But despite this, some people rebelled against it. They organized themselves into various factions, each with their own goals and their own axes to grind. But for all of them what they had in common was the desire to tear free from the emperor's control and form their own independent states. Early on, they seemed to succeed, because they broke free and created a rogue's gallery of militant nations. What they could not have known was that they would start a seemingly forever civil war, one fought across the depths of space and in the dying light of shattered stars.

Tales of the Shattered Stars
Protomagellan Publishing House
Archterosphynx, Gamma Quadrant

[this short piece is from the preface text to a computer strategy game named Shattered Stars. More info about which can be found on the Groglogic Diary blog.]

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