Sunday, January 13, 2008


The CEO of CDST was Barry Wangleberry. He lived in a giant crystal palace located on top of the tallest mountain of the planet Ampon. He had one wife, two kids, three mistresses, four assistants (also mistresses, but only part-time), five lawyers, six accountants, seven bodyguards, eight cars and nine places of residence spread across ten planets. You may be wondering how he could possibly have nine residences across ten planets. Let's just say it involves advanced technology and is very very expensive. The man makes big bucks. After all, he's a CEO of a major galactic travel service. Without his vision ("Sell tickets! Make a profit! Do things better!") and leadership ("You guys rock! Bad doggie, no biscuit!") the company would not be able to execute or deliver such massive profits to it's shareholders. Well, to it's shareholder. There was only one. You can probably guess who that was.

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