Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cindee Zellane

Cindee Zellane was a bomb whose walk had stopped many a heart, as her heels clicked clickity-clack across a floor. She led with her long animal legs, those wonderful devices that served to power her favorite method of transport. Two muscular instruments which ended in the mystery of her middle.
Even in clothes her body was such that to see her was to leave little to the imagination. Or rather, it was to leave just the right amount left to your imagination, while putting enough on plain display, out there, for free to sample, as it were, to make you wonder what the rest was like. And wonder how you might arrange things such that you would be lucky enough to get to do more than wonder.

But despite what was said above, Cindee did find sometimes that clothes were too restricting and on this night in particular she chose to go out with very little of them at all. Plus she liked to make men drool. It was an easy thing to do. If you were Cindee Zellane. A bomb whose walk could stop a heart. With heels that went clickity-clack, and toes that went tippity-tap, and two long animal legs. An engine, machine, a mystery in the middle. A plan to conquer the planet. Starting first with one half of her species. The other half. Starting tonight. They would soon learn to make way for Cindee Zellane.

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